Tourist Visa

A tourist visa is a temporary authorization issued by a government that permits foreign nationals to visit a country for leisure or recreational purposes for a limited duration. It typically restricts activities to tourism-related endeavors and does not allow for employment or other forms of productive activity.

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EB-5 Investor visa

The EB-5 Investor Visa is a program offered by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that allows foreign investors to obtain permanent residency (green card) in the United States by investing in a new commercial enterprise that creates jobs.

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Permanent Residency

Permanent residency is a legal status granted by a country to foreign nationals, permitting them to reside indefinitely within its borders. It offers many benefits, including the right to work, study, and access social services, without the need to maintain a visa. While permanent residents do not hold citizenship, they enjoy similar rights and privileges, making it an attractive option for long-term settlement.

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Speciality Skill Work Permit

The Specialty Skilled Work Permit is a specialized form of work authorization offered by governments, enabling foreign nationals with exceptional skills or expertise to legally work in specific industries or occupations within a country for a prescribed period. It serves as a vital mechanism for attracting and retaining talent, contributing to the enrichment of the host country’s workforce and economy.

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Up Skill / Upgrad overseas

Up Skill/Upgrad Overseas is a program designed to enhance individuals’ skills and expertise through international education and training opportunities. It offers courses and resources to help individuals develop new capabilities and advance their careers on a global scale.

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Temporary work visa

A temporary work visa is a document issued by a government allowing foreign nationals to legally work in a specific country for a limited duration. It enables individuals to fill short-term employment needs, typically with conditions specifying the type of work, employer, and duration of stay.

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Work Permit

A work permit is a government-issued authorization allowing foreign nationals to legally work in a specific country, detailing conditions like duration and job type. It enables employment abroad while ensuring compliance with immigration laws. Obtaining a work permit is essential for legal employment in a foreign country.

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